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Guild Forum » Public Section » Public Information » Guide to Membership
Guide to Membership
TerrafrosDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 3:44 PM | Message # 1
Group: Commander
Messages: 855
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
Guide to Membership

Hello there, and welcome to this small guide! This guide contains all sorts of information that may come useful in being a member of this guild! Though it's mainly made for newer members, others might find themselves at ease reading back as well! The guide is set up by different posts, so hyperlinks can work. Each post will handle a subject you're likely to come in contact with. Take your time reading this guide, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

TerrafrosDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 3:57 PM | Message # 2
Group: Commander
Messages: 855
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
The Chat Channels

The first thing you'll come into contact with as a member, is the various chat channels. In the guild itself officially, we use three chat channels.

  • Guild(/g)
  • Officer(/o)
  • HTOOC(/#)

    Guild chat is an In character channel. This means that all rules of RP apply to Guild Chat. The guild chat currently is a buzzbox type system, identical to the buzzbox quests at Auberdine, except that the buzzboxes have been made a lot smaller. What this basically means is that the guild chat is a radio channel, in which all members can speak, but at the same time also can be summoned by the guild should their need be required. Common chatter, important discussions, everything can take place, but it has to follow the In character rules.

    Officer chat is a channel for the officers to use, in which they discuss important matters involving the guild. You'll probably only get into contact with this channel if you've been in the guild for long, so I wont explain more, as I'm sure you'll get filled in when you get the rank to use the channel.

    HTOOC is the custom channel this guild uses for all it's OOC chatter. Often you'll find it busy, and occupied with many people. Everything goes in here, but we do have decency rules. They're as simple as no swearing and no fighting. Everyone that is guilded may join this channel, so we can keep connected, and at the same time even unguilded alts can join the channel, provided they have the identity-2 addon.

    All three channels are occupied by the guild and are used actively. Use each for their purpose, and no, you don't have to be serious all the time, but do keep to the In character/Out of character purposes of the channels smile .

    TerrafrosDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 4:26 PM | Message # 3
    Group: Commander
    Messages: 855
    Reputation: 13
    Status: Offline
    Guild History

    The Holy Templars have been on the Sha'tar for long, having existed from the starting days of server launch. With this, comes a large bunch of history, and in order to help you understand who we are both OOC and IC, I will briefly note both histories here.

    Two days after server launch, the Holy Templars were created by Sugutor, the original guild master of the Holy Templars. Starting as a small guild, it soon became clear the guild had a lot of potential. Member communication was the focus the guild had, as well as providing excellent RP. Many months passed, and by then the decision was taken by Sugutor to take a small break of the game. The guild was closed down, but remained existant. Months passed once more, as Sugutor returned to the game and started the guild once more. The Holy Templars reformed, and following the same basic principles they started to grow again. Things changed, many new faces, old faces disappearing, but never did they lose focus of what they wished for. A guild that functioned as one, with people, and not pixels. Many more months passed, to over a year even, as Sugutor decided his time in the game was over. Following his leave, he instated a new guild leader, and this newly appointed guild leader is yours truly. To this day, we have picked up on the goals originally set and constantly aim to improve ourselves in all aspects of the game. A community guild with focus on RP, and PvE to the offside. Our RP goal, lies on unity, the same goal we put OOC.

    After Lordaeron fell, and the Silver Hand was obliterated, three paladins managed to find each other in the reaches of Southshore. Sugutor Greybeard, Feador, the Heroic, and Mbuyu, the Stout. These three had lost their whole order to the Scourge, and now found they were among the few that managed to survive. Their hearts were filled with rage, the Scourge had destroyed so much, and they had been able to do so little. The Silver Hand was no more, but they were still there. Devoted to the cause, they started to set up plans for a new order. They would continue where the Silver Hand left off, but improve where the Hand had failed. This would not be an order for paladins only, no, for there were more rising. Those of the magi, those of the hunters, and many many more. This would be an order for all that could even help Azeroth slightly, to join. United, they would face the Scourge, they would face the Burning Legion, and together, they would even face the Horde. Where the Light would not bind them, so would unity do so!

    Over the course of years, the order grew, and the colors of the order became more and more commonly visible on the tabards of devoted people. The Holy Templars soon became known to the world, participating in all events of importance. From the reopening of the Dark Portal, to the assault on Quel'Danas, to the venture to Northrend, and the assault on Icecrown Citadel. The Holy Templars were a force to be taken into account, and through this all they were still growing. Old Sugutor Greybeard, had felt age catching up with him, and in doing so he left charge of the order to an ex priest, a mage that went by the name of Terrafros. Terrafros had joined the order after the three paladins had created it, and took charge of the Holy Templars to ensure their work would still take place.

    To this day, the Holy Templars have served in Azeroth's name. And to this day, they strive to do it many more years.

    TerrafrosDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 4:46 PM | Message # 4
    Group: Commander
    Messages: 855
    Reputation: 13
    Status: Offline

    We too, have a uniform to accompany large official RP events, however, we have never liked strict uniforms. Instead, we have chosen colors to accompany our tabard.

    In the words of Etanur, the original designer of the tabard, "where the world at times might seem a dark place, our light will shine to all corners of the world and bring hope to those who lost it.". This is the motivation for the black tabard with golden cross. This is also the motivation, for our uniform colors.

    Our colors are completely black, with focus on the tabard. This means the uniform has to be simple, black(or even dark will suffice as well), and leave the chest open for the tabard to be viewed. Only dwarf beards are the exception.

    This is best displayed by some examples. So, without further ado, here are five examples of Templar Regalia. Please note, the Grandmaster's colors are slightly more red to accentuate his position.

    These are basic examples. Everything's allowed as long as it's black and accentuates the guild tabard.

    TerrafrosDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 5:02 PM | Message # 5
    Group: Commander
    Messages: 855
    Reputation: 13
    Status: Offline

    The Holy Templars have a complicated and long, but enjoyable and interesting list of ranks. However, to get into the rank system, one must first undergo Initiation.

    All new members start off at Initiate rank. The initiate rank means you've passed the interview, and are yet to prove yourself in the eyes of the order. At the first meeting you will visit, you will get a task. This task is usually held in an instance, and usually done with more than one person. You are to RP executing the task and bringing back the proof of demise. When you have finished doing so, at the next meeting you visit you will officially be initiated into the order and gain the rank of Templar, becoming a full guild member.

    The other promotions are made, by performance, attendance, attitude, and other factors of importance. The full list of ranks is as follows:

    This section will receive updating later.

    TerrafrosDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 5:02 PM | Message # 6
    Group: Commander
    Messages: 855
    Reputation: 13
    Status: Offline
    And a tiny reservation
    TerrafrosDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 5:02 PM | Message # 7
    Group: Commander
    Messages: 855
    Reputation: 13
    Status: Offline
    Free to post now.
    FendieDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 5:19 PM | Message # 8
    Group: Seneschal
    Messages: 776
    Reputation: 18
    Status: Offline
    post: Good work smile

    In Celtic astrology, you're a Vine (not everything on the zodiac is a tree). The animal symbol that accompanies this plant is the swan. The ancient Druids say Vine people are graceful, discriminating, perceptive, romantic and have good aesthetics. However, Vines may be prone to procrastination and anxiety. They may also appear emotionally detached or even stuck-up.
    FreazaDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 5:48 PM | Message # 9
    Group: Seneschal
    Messages: 767
    Reputation: 7
    Status: Offline

    Ei! Theres a gnome in that flowerpot!
    GarinvaldDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 6:00 PM | Message # 10
    Group: Oathbound
    Messages: 209
    Reputation: 2
    Status: Offline

    Brewfest made Garinvald its avatar of war!
    zengDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 8:49 PM | Message # 11
    High Commander
    Group: Oathbound
    Messages: 1278
    Reputation: 9
    Status: Offline
    Quote (Terrafros)
    Only dwarf beards are the exception.

    I vote for shaving of dwarves

    If the light didn't want you, it wouldn't have sent me,
    GarinvaldDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 9:05 PM | Message # 12
    Group: Oathbound
    Messages: 209
    Reputation: 2
    Status: Offline
    I vote for shaving of dwarves

    That would be like taking away their pride.

    Brewfest made Garinvald its avatar of war!
    EtanurDate: Friday, 2010-02-26, 0:29 AM | Message # 13
    Imperial guard
    Group: Oathbound
    Messages: 1125
    Reputation: 6
    Status: Offline
    At last made a right guide! i thought heaven will fall first, but no, you did it!

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